Labels:book | hakham | monitor | plant | reckoner | sky | stairs OCR: ENVIRON s news cameras zoom in the United Nations Earth Sunumit i. Ric de Janeiro this nionth thie U.S presidential Icandidates views on protecting the planet will surely get more scrutiny T general President Bush and his Republican chal- lenger Buchanan oppose increasing environmental regulations contrast Demo crat Bill Clinton and Jerry Browm hoth support tougher green laws. Meamw hile Independent Ross Perot keeps showing up onTV to insisthe won't disclose where he stands on issues until he officially hecomes acandidate probably tin June For example wher asked recently by CNN's Larry King whether Bush should attend the 150-nation Rio conference Perot said: TH don't know athing in the world about Bush and Clintor have been forced lately to defend Itheir records. Rus bashers note that the ...